Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Magnetic separator block after installation is complete mineral sorting test

For most ores, the degree of separation marks ore monomer that is the size of the magnetic particles and gangue mineral particle separation of coarse or fine ore particle size.
If the ore to a small particle size, indicating a high degree of mineral monomer separation, can be satisfied with the sorting index; if given the relatively coarse ore particle size, mineral did not fully explain dissociation, monomer separation is not high, opposite the living body more That magnetism
Particles and gangue is still considerable parts together. Because of the living body also has a considerable magnetic sorting can choose up to a considerable part of that lower grade ore. Therefore, the requirements for the mineral magnetic separator for silica sand must be sufficiently achieved monomer separation.
For coarse-grained disseminated ore and gangue minerals as long as reached monomer separation on the line, not necessarily the size too small. Such ore sometimes coarse granularity although some, but not low quality sorting, the main reason is due to ore dissemination size
Coarse grinding to a certain extent useful minerals and gangue separated.

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