Thursday, August 27, 2015

FNS dry magnetic separator differs from the wet magnetic device applications

FNS dry magnetic separators differs from the wet drum separator applications:
1. Feeding different: dry magnetic separation equipment can ore sorting humidity below 5%, and wet magnetic separation equipment beneficiation process must rely on water as a medium separator.
2. The feed size different: dry magnetic separation apparatus for sorting large pieces, coarse particles and fine particles weakly ferromagnetic magnetic mines, such as sand beach. Wet magnetic separation device for fine strong magnetic ore separators and fine weakly magnetic minerals.
3. The process is different: dry magnetic characteristics and evolving technologies; dry magnetic separation device can be realized without water minerals, the process is simple. Wet magnetic separation equipment, process complex.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Dry drum magnetic separator features

Dry drum magnetic separator features:
① dressing without water: As the company dry magnetic separators, therefore no water, and water election compared to a No sewage sludge generated, two can save water resources. In GXC-8180-type primary machine, for example, annual savings of 600,000 tons of water.
② sorting effect: Since the machine take drum magnet system design, mineral material in the drum surface sliding, displacement and roll, drum nonstick material will help the material sorting, primary grade can be increased 1-4 times, once selected grade up to 60%.
③ processing capacity: As the Company uses wraparound open magnetic system, the material is not wrapped in groups, non-clogging, the processing capacity, the amount of a single primary ore processing machines of up to 150 tons or more, but also multi-machine side by side in parallel use, can be doubled to increase production
④ adapt to industry wide: the company dry magnetic separator, divided into four categories, there are more than twenty varieties and specifications of models. Meet a variety of iron ore, river sand, tailings, slag, steel gray, abrasives, refractories, board, rubber, food and many other industries demand, some of the equipment can be a multi-purpose machine.
⑤ high production efficiency: Dry without water, and therefore are not subject to water restrictions, perennial continuous production of dry areas, seasonally dry areas, cold areas, the annual increase 100-150 days, improve equipment utilization.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Dry magnetic separator using high-quality ferrite material

FNS dry magnetic separators magnetic system, using high-quality ferrite material or rare earth magnets composite made of tube sheet average magnetic flux density of 100 ~ 600mT. The separator has a simple structure, large capacity, easy to operate, easy to maintain. Dry magnetic separation equipment has commotion super powerful magnet fields and the characteristics of the separation factor, advanced structure, light weight, reliable operation, easy maintenance. Dry magnetic separator is ideal for dryland, to save water, reduce dressing costs for ultra-poor magnetite mining and utilization has opened up a new way.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Dry drum magnetic separator an open sports complex magnetic system

Dry drum magnetic separator an open sports complex magnetic system, an increase in the magnetic separation equipment process Flip the intensity and speed, and non-stick tube, do not wrap group, with high yield, the net effect of sorting.
1, the primary machine: mainly used for low-grade ore, sand, tailings, slag steel gray sorting. Part of the tailings shuffled around through primaries, lean ore-grade enrichment, thus reducing transport costs, improve productivity milling.
2, selected machine: mainly used for less than 80 meshes selected slag, the recovery rate of more than 95% up to 60-65% iron concentrate grade.
3, sweep the election machine: mainly used for low-grade iron powder and high grade tailings, sand the sweep the election, can improve the grade iron powder, iron powder to improve the added value, the machine is adapted the election was, no mining, crushing and milling, no other auxiliary iron ore separator equipment to obtain iron powder, with a low production cost, quick profit advantages. The main advantage of dry magnetic separator is: do not water beneficiation, sorting good effect, large capacity, adapt to industry wide, high production efficiency.

Monday, August 3, 2015

affecting dry magnetic separator indicators

Factors affecting dry magnetic separator indicators are mainly ore properties (taste, magnetism, particle size and moisture, etc.), equipment performance and operational level and so on. Under certain conditions, work performance, operational adjustments shall be determined according to the nature of the ore being processed and the requirements of the product specification. Operating Adjusting factors are magnetic roller speed, shutter position and size to the ore, a reasonable regulation of these three factors, can improve magnetic targets.