Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Dry magnetic separator has five advantages

① dry magnetic beneficiation no water: As the company dry magnetic separator, therefore no water, and water election compared to a No sewage sludge generated, two can save water resources. In GXC-8180-type primary machine, for example, annual savings of 600,000 tons of water.
② dry magnetic separators effect: Since the machine take dynamic magnetic system design, mineral material in the drum surface sliding, displacement and roll, drum nonstick material will help the material sorting, primary grade can be increased 1-4 times, a selection of up to 60% grade.
③ processing capacity: As the Company uses wrap-open magnetic system, the material is not wrapped in groups, non-clogging, thus the processing capacity, the amount of a single primary ore processing machines of up to 50 tons or more, but also multi-machine side by side in parallel use, doubling production.
④ adapt to industry wide: dry magnetic separator machine to meet all kinds of iron ore, river sand, tailings, slag, steel gray, sulfuric acid residue, abrasives, refractories, system boards, rubber, food and many other industries demand, some of the equipment It is also a multi-purpose machine.
⑤ high production results: Dry without water, and therefore are not subject to water restrictions, perennial continuous production of dry areas, seasonally dry areas, cold areas, improve equipment utilization.

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